70 Jahre TTC Elbe Dresden
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Table tennis in Dresden

Welcome on the website of the table tennis club TTC Elbe Dresden.

We are the biggest table tennis club in Dresden with an amount of about 200 members between 7 and 85 years.

All in all more than 20 men, women and youth teams take part on regular matches. The training, dependend of the skill level, takes place from Monday till Friday.

Moreover we offer the possibility to just participate on the training without regular matches. Depending on the skill level there are also different options for training from Monday till Friday.

The membership fee for adults is 10€ per month and for people who don’t take part on matches 6€ per month.

Are you interested in a trial training?

Click >>> HERE <<< and drop us a message either in your mother tongue (response could take some time) or in English/German (faster response) and we will answer you as fast as possible for a date of a trial training.

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